The Apple MacBook Pro 15.4-Inch Laptop For Photographers
When it comes to photography, a good laptop can make or break your business. Being able to see true colors, process picture quickly, access memory cards, and be extremely portable are just a few of the attributes a good laptop for photography needs. Finding a laptop with all of them can seem challenging. For this year, the top contender is the Apple MacBook Pro 15.4-Inch Laptop, which comes complete with a Retina Display.
The retina display allows for complete editing in a flawless, clear, crisp, and true to life colored environment. For quick editing that shows your true level of skill this is an absolute must. Making sure that hard work isn’t erased because of a bad screen is one of the easiest ways to boost photography in the digital age.
The second aspect is speed, with a core i7, there is never a need to worry about the speed of this laptop. From load time to transfer time, this laptop will have you have on your feet and shooting new pictures in record time. This is aided by it being a completely flash-based laptop for even more speed.
In terms of portability, this laptop is second to none. Weighing in at less than 5 pounds, it competes with some net-books while still giving you the full functionality of a laptop. Less than an inch thick it will slide into almost any camera backpack. And the size also allows for it to be taken aboard planes with ease.
All of these options combined with a large battery life make the MacBook Pro 15.4-Inch Laptop one of the best options on the market for any photographer. With complete ease of use, the laptop makes photography easier, more fun, and gives you more time to take the pictures you really want instead of waiting on technology.
How to Make Money With Digital Photography
If you have a digital camera and enjoy taking pictures, chances are you have thought about making some extra cash with your photos. Digital photography is a hobby that is becoming more and more popular, as most people today have a digital camera in their home. It is not hard to take your hobby to the next level, with the right knowledge and some creative energy. There are several different ways that you can use your camera to make money.
All it takes is a little imagination, a flair for showmanship, a bit of salesmanship and the willingness to do some work – and you are set.
If you are a digital photography hobbyist, the chances are good that you already have the equipment you need to get started. Things you will need are a digital camera, preferably one with similar features of an SLR film camera, a high-quality printer or printing service, and a good tripod.
Digital photo editing software is also a must have. The best known applications include Adobe Photoshop CS3, Adobe Photoshop Lightroom, Adobe Photoshop Elements 5.0 and Corel Paint Shop Pro X
If possible, you should invest a couple hundred dollars in marketing materials.
Now, we should discuss a common misconception before going any further. Many people think that it is not possible to make money taking pictures this day. They explain that almost every person has a digital camera or a camera phone. I can hear you saying, “Why would people pay for pictures when they can take their own?”
The answer is simple. Sure, almost everybody has a digital camera or film camera of one kind or another. But how competent are they at using it?
You might want to take a look at how many pictures individuals take. Not everyone has creativity, showmanship, or skill. They’re horrible. Motion blur from holding the camera incorrectly. Poor color. or subjects that are positioned awkwardly. No composition skills. They do not know how to avoid things like shadows over their subjects faces. Even with the aid of digital photo editing software, some of their photos are beyond repair. After all, there is only so much any software can do when working with a bad photo.
Plus, when the average Joe attempts to print their photos, things can go awry. Undoubtedly, you?ve seen some of these images. The prints have poor resolution. The person taking the photograph had no understanding of the camera settings that ensure pictures suitable for printing.
This is excellent news for you. If you excellent digital photography skills then you will be easily able to show new customers a few samples that you have taken.
Are you still apprehensive? I attended a birthday party recently and I am going to tell you about it. The hostess engaged the services of an experienced amateur photographer who was hoping to start her own business – just like you.
Almost everyone at the party brought their own digital cameras – but once the party got rolling, who remembered to take pictures? Those of us who did take snapshots were poorly positioned and usually couldn’t get a good view of the scene.
The photograph still got money for what they did. She then uploaded the pictures to her own website. The party guests were sent an email with a link to the page. We downloaded the photos we wanted and printed them or saved them to our computer.
This photographer had a good gig, since she didn’t even have to bother with printing and delivering the work, although she received generous pay.
Pretty awesome, huh?
Anyone can do this! Develop your photography skills, get a marketing plan and say Cheese!